C04 - Numerical optimization methods for the identification and control of fluctuating systems

Funding period: 2021 – 2024

Project leaders: Stefan Volkwein (Gabriele Ciaramella until 03/2021)

Scientific staff: Jan Bartsch, Simon Buchwald, Gabriele Ciaramella (collaborator)

This project is concerned with the development of new efficient and robust numerical optimization methods that are capable of identifying nonlinear potentials, coupling terms, and kernels characterizing the evolution of fluctuating systems in presence of strong external driving forces. Particular focus will be put on non-linear resonators and barrier-crossing phenomena governed by the generalized Langevin equation. The numerical strategies that will be developed in this project aim at the calculation of optimized external driving forces that permits to produce experimental data that improves the identifiability of the sought nonlinear potentials, couplings and kernel functions.

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